Heck, season passes are even worse than pre-ordering since Valve loosened Steam's refund policy - if you bought the DLC Pass today, its refund period would be over long before any of the interesting-sound bits even arrived. Season passes are the new pre-orders - don't pay for them until you have any idea if it's worth it (unless you're happy gambling, obvs). Onto less exciting stuff! What will £24.99/29,99€/$29.99 get you in the DLC Season Pass? The stars will likely be two new story missions: 'System Rift', coming this autumn, and 'A Criminal Past', which is due in "early 2017." No idea how big or how good they'll be, but surely you won't be buying the Season Pass now anyway? Mankind Divded will unlock on Steam at 9am PDT on Tuesday, says a tweet, which is 12pm EST, 5pm BST, 6pm CEST, and so on. Nothing cools that launch giddiness like DLC announcements! The cyberpunk FPS-RPG is pretty great, our Graham thinks - the lucky dog! Luckily for me and my overexcitement, publishers Square Enix have also poured a cool glass of cyberwater over my cyberhead to make me calm down and instead ask "Why would you do that now?" They've detailed the contents of Mankind Divided's DLC Season Pass, y'see. Gosh oh golly, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is out in less than 24 hours! Square Enix have confirmed Steam unlock times and I'm mighty excited.